Moral Education has been a part of the Education System from the beginning and all important Commissions of Education – Radha Krishnan Commission, Kothari Commission, National Policy on Education, Planning Commission – had advocated value education. It plays an important role in elevating a character to a certain dignity. To sustain in this era of cut throat race of competitions, our children need correct values to combat this rapidly changing world and we at GNPS have incorporated value education in the teaching learning process to help them out. We firmly believe that for the all round development of the students values like humility, integrity, honesty, co-operation, adaptability, compassion, respect, discipline etc. are very important therefore they are at the core of our education system.

We have a strong counseling system in the school to enable students to resolve conflicts and accomplish various goals – academic and non-academic, learning and testing, inter-personal and intra-personal. Youngsters of today have unlimited access to information due to revolution in IT. However there is something of greater value that has to be imparted to them. In a multi-dimensional country like ours with enormous diversities of caste, class, religion, region, language, culture, tradition etc. lesson of unity in diversity needs to be given. The daily morning prayer of the school contains the lessons of national unity. We provide students a positive classroom environment. Our curriculum exposes students to value issues by involving them in discussions, debates, role-plays and project –works.